Rider Spotlight: Ashley Ross
Name: Ashley Ross
Age: 24
Fun fact about you(non racing related):
-I absolutely love National/State Parks
How long have you been riding/racing?:
-4 years riding
-3 years racing
-World Off Road Championship Series (WORCS)
-Supercross Futures
-Loretta Lynn Qualifiers
-Best In The Desert
-Mint 400
-AMA Nevada State Championship MRAN
How did riding become a part of your life?:
-My boyfriend started to bring me to the local races and then I got to see him race. I knew from right then and there, it’s something I wanted to do.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve come across in the racing industry?:
1) I started so late so I’ve tried to progress as fast as I could to get to the best I can but in all honesty, I’m pretty behind. I don’t have a lot of the Technique that I should.
2) Not really being taken serious as a female rider. I feel the actual female racers can relate to this. You might be fast as heck, but the standard set for female riders is so behind and low.
How do you think things could be improved for women in the racing world?:
What advice do you have for young girls starting out in racing?:
-My goals this year is to qualify for Loretta Lynn’s, place top 10 in the Supercross Futures National Championship. Goals for next year are to go PRO in WORCS and we will just have to see from there, but I’d like to go as far as I possibly can!